Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Our Big Sister

She came to us a few days before my third birthday. She was only a few years older to me. We were then living in Guwahati. Since then she has been with us.
My sister who was around a year and a half then took to her hip immediately and it kind of became her permanent residence. She became our big sister. Maa brought up the three of us with equal strictness and authority. As the years went by, she became a guardian to us, next in line to our parents. 

She has seen the highs and the lows of our household, the good and the bad sides of our lives. She has shared our happiness and anguish, always wishing the good for us. She is family in the truest sense. She is my parents' constant companion, my mother's aide and confidante. Maa manages well without Namz and me in the house, but she becomes truly lonely when she is not around. As Namz says, she is the real daughter to Ma and Deta, constantly taking care of them and always being around them. She is the sunshine in their lives.

She has a fruitful hand, plants flourish at her touch. She is an amazing cook, she can make scrap taste awesome. She is also creative. With her around, you have nothing to worry. She can be quite stubborn at times and used to have a bad temper. She is no-nonsense person, never hesitant to call a spade a spade. The only downside is her lack of interest in learning her alphabet and numbers! She puts in her efforts consistently though. She has an entrepreneurial streak in her too. Above all, she is a wonderful human being with a heart of gold.

That's her
It is her birthday today. I pray to the Almighty to make all her dreams come true. I would also like to apologize for all the times while growing up when I had been somewhat mean to her. I may not talk much, but I really love her and I know I should show her that more often. I wish and pray that she has a better life ahead and gets all the good that she deserves. And I would like to thank God for sending her to our lives. She truly came as an angel. And she is our Parul ba.