From our home garden |
Common Name: Four O' Clock Plant, The Marvel of Peru
Scientific Name: Mirabilis jalapa
Assames Name: Godhuli Gopal
This is another flower which has a place in our garden since many years. The flowers of this plant blooms at around 4 O' clock in the evening and hence the name. During the day, the flowers remain closed.
The flowers in the process of blooming |
At our current (permanent) residence, we have only the bright pink colour variety. But previous we also had the yellow and white varieties. And interestingly, when different colour varieties are planted together, due to inter-pollination, a single plant also has differently-coloured flowers. Also, a single flower can be splashed with different colours.
This plant multiplies very fast. I brought some seeds from home (Assam) and planted in our balcony in Delhi. It is also low maintenance. And the flowers keep me connected to home.
Other colour variations |
I am taking part in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge [April 2016].